Friday, October 23, 2015

Prologue 2: Reincarnation


I yawned and stretched, slinging my book bag over my shoulder.

"I hate the coach, what does he think we are, robots?"

Letting the bag hang from a hooked fingertip, with my free hand, I took out my cellphone and started a new text.

“Let's see… hi, mom, I won’t be home until later, please make something to eat…And send.”

Tapping the send button, I closed the messages and took a detour to a bookstore.

Earlier today, I got an alert in class that a new light novel  volume just appeared in our bookstore and there’s no way in hell that I’m missing that!

I approached the bookstore and the electric door swept open, letting a wave of cold air waft out of the shop interior.


I smiled at the pretty storekeeper. I am a store regular so we talk a lot. She was the the one that sent me the alert message. She was the quiet type that was quite talkative once you get to know her.

"Are there any copies left?" I asked.

"The last copy on the shelves was sold half an hour ago," she replied. I almost dropped my books in shock until she grinned and add, "but the manager allowed me to hold on to one in exchange for your continued loyalty."

I let a sigh of relief and approached the counter. She handed over a book and I paid for it with 500 yen.  I clutched the book to my chest.

"Thank you!"

She smiled and shook her head, "No, I should be the one thanking you."

She tilted her head, looking at me.

"But seriously, Miyoshi-san, you really do look like a girl when you act like that."

My good mood died down slightly. "That's why I want to cut my hair shorter."

"No don't," she practically shouted. "It's a sin to cut such pretty hair!"

I smiled back at her. "No, you must be exaggerating." I bowed and slipped the novel into my book bag and turned toward the door.

"Come again," she called after me.

"Okay," I replied, before the door closed behind me.

Turning in the direction to my house, I took out the light novel and opened it, skimming through it.

Leaving off where it ended from the previous volume, the overpowered knight should be proceeding to rescue the princess and escape the enemy army.

Walking slowly to prolong my reading time, I fantasized about myself in a suit of shining armor on top of a massive war horse, brandishing a huge sword and shield.

Halfway between the store and my house, as I turned a corner I saw a figure behind me. His cap was drawn low over his face and he had his hands stuck in his jacket.

"Whoa, that guy looks so suspicious... No no, I shouldn't say such things about people," I commented and then reprimanded myself.

I continued reading while walking. As I drew near the next road intersection, I look up from my book for cars. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the same figure behind me in the mirror hanging from the post. He was much, much closer than before.

"Whoa," I muttered, almost dropping my book for the second time of the day.

Yeah, no matter how rude it is, I'm not letting such a suspicious character near me. Wait, is that blond hair I see? He's a foreigner!

As soon as the next car passed and there was a suitable opening in the traffic, I darted through the road and ran full speed. As I neared the next intersection, I chanced a look behind me and THERE HE IS RUNNING AFTER ME.

He stuck his hand out and his mouth opened. However, I never heard what he had to say. The loud honk of a truck drowned out his voice and from my peripheral vision, I saw the black of asphalt instead of the light grey concrete streets.

A blinding pain exploded from my side and I had a brief sensation of flying through the air.


<Modifying soul>

A voice in the darkness reached me.

<Changing consciousness>

<Overwriting memories>

Wait. What was that just now... I can't remember.

But I can't ignore this.


<Error: Overwrite interrupted, aborted>

<Injecting soul>

My consciousness blurred and fuzzed once more.

I vaguely feel something touching me all around and whatever it was moved.

As I drew breath to shout, only a thin stream of air entered before I was forced to exhale. Bits of fluids came out.

This can't be.

The top of my head feels cool and then my face, body and finally feet. As I involuntarily let out a cry as my lungs finally cleared, strong hands wrapped me up in a soft blanket.

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar but gentle face of woman. Her scarlet eyes looked down at me, bags under her eyes. Beside her, a pale man hovered, uncertainty plastered all over his face. When my gaze flicked back to the woman, I saw her getting closer.

Pressing her warm face on own cheek, she let out of a sigh of contentment.

There’s no doubt about it. The gods have decided to give me a second chance at life and the result is...

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