Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chapter 1: Self Introduction

I am a 15 year old boy, nearing the end of my last junior high school year. Or rather, my former classmates are. I won't be going to the graduation ceremony. After all, I haven't been to school since almost half year ago.

At least, that's what I thought.

I was playing on a net game on my computer and my phone chimed.

I got a text from my only friend Rin asking me to attend the graduation ceremony.

I was about to close my phone and turn back to gaming until a second message appeared immediately after.

It was a simple message, but it changed my life.

"They wish to apologize."

They, wish to apologize? They, the group of kids who made fun of my high grades, my slightly longer than normal hair and feminine features, are going to apologize?

It's been only half year, so I can still remember the day before I stopped going to school.

Halfway through the school year, the school posted the scores of a proficiency test on a board near the front of the school.

Rin had already texted me my ranking, 4th, so I did not bother fighting through the crowd of people that would inevitably gather.

I settled down in my seat near the front of the classroom when three boys slammed open the sliding door.

As nobody except us were in the classroom, nothing stopped them from strolling up and surrounding my left, right and front.

Those boys sat near the back. They talked the loudest, got the worst grades, and argued with the teachers the most. Naturally, they were also the biggest and more violent in the school.

The first guy slapped the book I held in my hand, and it soared through the air, landing closed in front of the blackboard.

Foolishly, I made eye contact with him, and asked aggressively, "What are you doing?" while standing up.

Without answering, they grabbed me and dragged me out of the room before tossing my down the stairs.

It was out of pure jealousy, but their actions steadily got nastier, and none of the students and teachers would do a thing.

Of course, I stayed home. There was absolutely no reason I needed to go to school. Even with just Rin's scribbled notes, I could easily figure out the lessons taught that day, bar English.

To put it simply, I didn't need school; it's unnecessary.

Until I graduate into high school, I could simply earn money while tutoring anonymously so I don't burden my parents.

That's why, until recently, I've tutored children and underclassmen from my school whenever I had a chance. Until I discovered games.

That's why I couldn't believe that they would apologize. For what reason would they do that?

That's what ran through my mind repeatedly as I slowly walked out of my house, momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight.

Putting my hand over my eyes to cover it from the sun, I walked off the sidewalk at the intersection.

A loud screech came from my right, the unmistakable friction between rubber and concrete.

Pain exploded in my right side and my elbow bent toward my body.

It overwhelmed me and my head was completely white. Before I could draw another breath, the white quickly fade to black as my head hit the floor and my body folded atop of it.

In the stream of thoughts that filled my head, as if I was thinking of multiple things at once, only two stood out. One was a question.

Why? I was positive the light was not red for me.

The other was of immense regret, of curiosity, of hate; it was directed at all the things I couldn't do, of my future, and the cursing of my luck and the world I'm in.

Slightly extreme, coming from me, but that's it.

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