Friday, October 23, 2015

First Ever Blog Post and Introduction

Hello, I'm Emily Evelin and I have begun to write a novel for fun and to hone my writing skills.

As a Japanese light novel fan, I have decided to base this piece off a popular plot point, which is reincarnation. I don't know how well I'll do though.

If I could get the prologue and future chapters in here of course. Technology hates me.

After fiddling around with this site for an hour, I still can't get it working. Please help so I can get the prologue up Q-Q

(I'm so pathetic)


  1. At least you got it all working now with the chat box too. =)

    1. Uoah. I didn't expect anyone to actually find this place, I'd given up on it. I guess this means I can't slack anymore! -fired up-
